As an actor discovers and creates a character, they must first answer a series of questions, of which set the stage for the entire performance:
- Who am I?
- Who am I talking to?
- What is my objective?
- What is my opposing character’s objective?
An actor’s objective is what/how they want to affect their opposing character (the person they are speaking to). An objective is always about the other person and how words are meant to affect them. For example, I recently played an evil History teacher who never reached her goals at her pre-determined milestones. Because of this, I cannot let any of my students achieve their goals, and I make it my life purpose to teach them that the world is against them, so why even try? My objective in this scene is to bring my student to the reality that she will never reach her goals.
Tactics are different methods that are used in conversation, body language, etc. that allow the opposing character to feel a certain way. Tactics are used to achieve the objective. In the above example, I may use guilt to cause my opponent to feel like she doesn’t deserve success. If that doesn’t work, I can evoke fear in her because I know that this is her weakness; I can convince her that her fear will get the best of her, so she should save her effort. Tactics will always tie back to the objective to achieve the desired outcome.
So, how in the world does acting compare to the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model in Nursing??
Well, do the terms objectives and outcomes sound familiar in the Nursing world?
The first step in writing a Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) test item is looking at which content objective needs to be measured. For example, if students are expected to read an EKG, one sample content objective would be to Identify and Measure the following on an EKG tracing: P wave, PR interval, PR segment, QRS complex, QT interval, ST segment, T wave, U wave (if applicable).
The second step involves “Building the Case”. This step includes the creation of learning activities and different teaching methods (tactics) to allow students to achieve the content objective. Students may review a client’s EHR and note an abnormal EKG as they identify and measure the duration of the EKG elements. Students may read in their textbook and/or listen to a lecture on the appropriate values for each element. These class activities are tactics to allow the students to reach the objective.
The final step in creating a NGN test item is to write the question using one of the many new item types. This step is where student outcomes will be evaluated and the instructor will observe if the content objectives were met or were not met and the student requires remediation.
Scene Objective=
Outcomes- Did they other person change because of how my words affected them?
Nursing CJMM:
Content Objective
Active learning, classroom activities, case studies, textbook reading, lecture
Evaluate Outcomes= Assess question answers and determine if students met the content objective
The actor’s process may not be so different than the nursing process. When in doubt as a new educator, remember that you have the knowledge and these students do not have the experience that you do. Be confident in your knowledge and be flexible with the attitudes of students to keep them engaged!
Until next shift,